1.   Burn marks remained on her arm.

2.   There was even a burn mark on his chin but apart from that his expression was positively cherubic.

3.   And he said that, unlike in the movies, there would be no burn marks to lead researchers down the path to the rock.

4.   And even burn marks can be sanded.

5.   A Mexican judge acknowledged in court that one of those witnesses had fresh burn marks on his chest.

6.   A long black burn mark outlined where the body of the aircraft probably had been.

7.   Burn marks stain the concrete floor.

8.   Burn marks were found on his arm.

9.   But Dr. Wolf testified that applying ice to the skin would not prevent a burn mark from forming.

10.   Coast Guard Rear Admiral Richard Larrabee said there were no burn marks on the life rafts, but cautioned against drawing conclusions based on that fact.

n. + mark >>共 457
skid 6.10%
world 3.64%
burn 2.94%
bullet 2.38%
bite 2.03%
spike 1.89%
torture 1.75%
trade 1.68%
scorch 1.54%
half-century 1.54%
burn + n. >>共 192
unit 11.76%
victim 10.53%
injury 5.88%
mark 5.75%
patient 4.51%
area 2.19%
fat 2.19%
wound 2.05%
calorie 1.92%
rate 1.50%
每页显示:    共 42