1.   Brian Johnson singled Snow to second, a bunt situation with Estes hitting.

2.   El Duque batted in an obvious bunt situation.

3.   In a bunt situation, Anderson failed to advance the runners, popping up, and Carter lofted an easy fly, to center.

4.   In an obvious bunt situation, Manager Bobby Valentine of the Mets sent burly slugger Butch Huskey to the plate as a pinch-hitter in the ninth inning Wednesday night.

5.   It was a sure bunt situation.

6.   It was an obvious bunt situation.

7.   Lima twice failed in bunt situations.

8.   Obvious bunt situation.

9.   Twice in the early to mid-innings, Russell faced bunt situations and chose not to.

10.   Tyler Houston came up in a bunt situation and rolled the ball toward third base.

n. + situation >>共 700
security 14.35%
hostage 3.83%
win-win 2.79%
quarterback 2.53%
pressure 2.28%
crisis 1.77%
labor 1.74%
market 1.74%
refugee 1.68%
employment 1.65%
bunt 0.38%
bunt + n. >>共 19
single 41.21%
attempt 27.47%
situation 6.59%
sign 6.04%
fungus 4.95%
play 4.40%
try 1.65%
defense 1.10%
hit 1.10%
foot 0.55%
每页显示:    共 12