1.   Buildings swayed and shook and rolled like ships in choppy seas.

2.   Daily temperature shifts, storms and small earthquakes can cause buildings to sway, knocking the laser beam out of kilter.

3.   Hundreds of miles away in New Delhi, the capital city of India, high-rise buildings swayed.

4.   Q. The last time I went to the Empire State Building, it looked as if the building was swaying.

5.   Which is why Empire State officials insist that the building does not sway much.

6.   People on the top floor of apartment blocks in Nicosia, the capital, felt the whole building sway.

7.   A fairly strong earthquake shook parts of east central Japan early Saturday, causing buildings to sway and temporarily halting traffic in some areas.

8.   A strong earthquake shook Mexico City and southern Mexico on Monday, causing high-rise buildings to sway and frightened people to rush into the streets.

9.   A strong earthquake shook southern Mexico Tuesday and caused buildings to sway in Mexico City but no damage or injuries were reported.

10.   A strong earthquake Sunday, centered in the mountains of western Slovenia, set Venice rolling and tall buildings swaying in Vienna and toppled chimneys in Slovenian towns.

n. + sway >>共 239
building 12.16%
tree 4.71%
argument 2.23%
skyscraper 1.49%
branch 1.24%
crowd 1.24%
line 1.24%
woman 1.24%
emotion 0.99%
body 0.99%
building + v. >>共 561
be 35.22%
have 7.09%
collapse 4.44%
house 3.48%
stand 2.09%
remain 1.70%
go 1.41%
fall 1.29%
become 1.12%
look 1.08%
sway 1.02%
每页显示:    共 49