1.   Priority was given to the Health and Education ministries and a new budgetary allocation was created for road infrastructure.

2.   A bureau that promises more output than it can deliver can expect to be penalized by lower budgetary allocations in the future.

3.   In this situation, an efficient budgetary allocation is mandatory.

4.   Among the measures are the introduction of designs to enable higher-density land plots for low-cost housing and increasing the budgetary allocation for rural housing.

5.   It suggested proper budgetary allocation for education, communication and other infrastructure sectors.

6.   North Bengal Lawyers Forum yesterday demanded that the government make budgetary allocation in the next budget money for North Bengal in proportion to its population.

7.   The Awami League said that the government had also given importance to the preservation and development of environment by making adequate budgetary allocation.

8.   The committee, which is responsible for budgetary allocations, is holding early hearings on budgetary reductions proposed by the new Republican majority in the U.S. Congress.

9.   The Prime Minister said the government has attached special importance to the expansion of education and kept highest budgetary allocation for education sector.

a. + allocation >>共 185
new 4.94%
efficient 3.46%
annual 2.96%
budgetary 2.72%
additional 2.22%
current 2.22%
increased 1.98%
special 1.98%
larger 1.73%
state 1.73%
budgetary + n. >>共 257
constraint 5.76%
policy 4.32%
problem 3.89%
reason 3.31%
discipline 2.88%
pressure 2.74%
control 2.45%
process 2.31%
restraint 2.02%
allocation 1.59%
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