1.   He patted my head, brushing his fingers across my ear, and I jerked away.

2.   I really liked it, the way she moved my head and brushed her fingers through my hair.

3.   She put down her food and carefully brushed her fingers, storing at the floor.

4.   She brushed loving fingers over the wisps of dark hair clearly inherited from Charles.

5.   He brushed his fingers through his long, black hair and tried to think of something to say.

6.   He brushed his fingers over tiny gems of glass as if they were diamonds on black velvet.

7.   Laraio simply brushes his fingers in front of one box, and suddenly the room is warmed with the sounds of an orchestra.

8.   Now he wants to brush his fingers across it once more before he goes.

9.   They tapped their walking sticks on the simple graves, marked with red bandanas and American flags, and brushed their fingers across the tombstones.

v. + finger >>共 385
point 21.44%
cross 6.99%
run 4.28%
put 3.75%
snap 2.58%
use 2.46%
have 2.20%
wag 2.11%
break 2.05%
stick 1.92%
brush 0.28%
brush + n. >>共 302
tooth 20.12%
hair 6.51%
top 5.11%
side 3.50%
tear 2.00%
surface 2.00%
hand 1.90%
wall 1.80%
mixture 1.40%
edge 1.30%
finger 0.90%
每页显示:    共 9