1.   If desired, brown the top under a broiler.

2.   Preheat broiler and quickly brown the top of the casserole.

3.   Slightly brown the top of the casserole by turning on the broiler for a minute or so.

4.   Then, run the skillet under the broiler for a minute or two to lightly brown the top.

5.   To brown the top, the restaurant uses the pizza oven or a blow torch, but lacking those tools, a home cook can use the broiler.

v. + top >>共 412
reach 12.55%
sprinkle 4.06%
hit 3.75%
cover 3.38%
finish 3.20%
brush 3.14%
blow 2.28%
smooth 2.28%
near 1.72%
make 1.41%
brown 0.31%
brown + n. >>共 108
meat 11.03%
side 8.09%
chicken 5.15%
lamb 4.04%
sausage 4.04%
onion 3.31%
garlic 2.57%
bottom 2.57%
butter 1.84%
beef 1.84%
top 1.84%
每页显示:    共 5