1.   Brown the sausages in a heavy frying pan.

2.   Crumble and brown sausage, drain and add to the cheesy mixture.

3.   I grated and sliced cheese, browned sausages and cooked eggs, and then boiled the ruffled noodles, which promptly unraveled in the water.

4.   In a large skillet, brown sausage in hot oil until no longer pink.

5.   In large pot, brown pork sausage over medium-high heat.

6.   In separate pan, brown sausage and pour off fat.

7.   Place skewers on grill and cook, turning frequently, until bread is toasted and sausages are browned on the outside.

8.   Saute, stirring well to break up and brown the sausage.

9.   Small fresh sausages can be browned directly in a nonstick pan with a little oil.

10.   Spoon rice into bowls and top each serving with a ladle of beans and a slice of browned sausage.

v. + sausage >>共 93
make 10.44%
add 5.62%
remove 4.82%
brown 4.42%
cook 3.61%
eat 3.21%
place 3.21%
use 3.21%
buy 2.81%
cut 2.81%
brown + n. >>共 108
meat 11.03%
side 8.09%
chicken 5.15%
lamb 4.04%
sausage 4.04%
onion 3.31%
garlic 2.57%
bottom 2.57%
butter 1.84%
beef 1.84%
每页显示:    共 11