1.   Snow prevented workers from reaching the broken pipeline.

2.   Approximately half of the gap can be traced to broken pipelines.

3.   Inability to get to work because of a broken pipeline at Pennsylvania Station?

4.   Inability to get to work due to a broken pipeline at Pennsylvania Station?

5.   Last month, she filed a lawsuit against two companies, claiming that their failure to mend broken pipelines and other problems had created an environmental mess.

6.   Crude spewed from a broken pipeline at the bottom of Guanabara Bay, and five hours went by before it was stopped.

7.   Police say a spark at the construction site set off gas leaking from a broken pipeline.

8.   Salvage the broken pipeline has already started, but engineers said the repairs of the gas-pipe might take about two months.

a. + pipeline >>共 316
new 12.15%
proposed 3.53%
existing 2.91%
russian 2.91%
interstate 2.70%
major 2.60%
main 2.39%
turkish 2.18%
second 1.66%
underwater 1.56%
broken 0.83%
broken + n. >>共 818
bone 9.35%
leg 7.29%
glass 6.69%
arm 4.06%
rib 3.63%
window 3.30%
nose 3.07%
foot 2.88%
ankle 2.05%
wrist 1.95%
pipeline 0.10%
每页显示:    共 8