1.   A third problem is how the factors slot into the broader range of financial services provided by the banks.

2.   Another reason to consider a moderation-goal option is that a broader range of problem drinkers can be attracted and treated.

3.   It was to its urban centers that those interested in a better education and a broader range of opportunities were drawn.

4.   Other possibilities are the use of a broader range of amicus curiae briefs in cases involving issues of supervision.

5.   This, in turn, allows the subject to make sense of a broader range of sensations.

6.   As a result, banks have offered a broader range of accounts offering more competitive interest rates.

7.   Although daintier, the keratin fibers in the barbs are tougher than those in the quill and have a much broader range of applications.

8.   And as the Net affects more and more other businesses, local Net events have attracted a broader range of participants.

9.   And they said the state should offer subsidized insurance to a broader range of children, including those from more moderate-income families, than Pataki has proposed.

10.   As governments have expanded into an ever broader range of activities in this century, the existence of a wealthy class has become even less important for art.

a. + range >>共 698
wide 25.76%
close 9.10%
narrow 6.27%
broad 5.77%
full 3.83%
wider 2.98%
point-blank 2.45%
driving 2.18%
shooting 2.05%
long 1.93%
broader 1.35%
broader + n. >>共 848
market 20.68%
indicator 6.52%
index 3.38%
issue 1.95%
range 1.90%
audience 1.45%
question 1.43%
measure 1.42%
effort 1.15%
view 0.84%
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