1.   Attorneys at the Federal Communications Commission, which regulates broadcasters, told The Associated Press that public broadcasters may air such announcements under communications law.

2.   After months of public wrangling, the Federal Communications Commission today approved rules that require broadcasters to air three hours of educational programming for children every week.

3.   Currently, the act requires broadcasters to air some educational and informational shows for children.

4.   Digital signals will enable broadcasters to air High Definition Television and additional channels.

5.   The digital technology at issue would let broadcasters air high-resolution movie-quality pictures and deliver five to six channels in the space where one is delivered today.

6.   Three in five support requirements that broadcasters air an hour or more of educational programming every day, the Center for Media Education said.

7.   Meanwhile, a mall in Greenville was turned into a makeshift television studio Sunday as broadcasters aired a statewide telethon.

8.   Other national and regional broadcasters air the programs in Israel, parts of Latin America, and South Africa.

9.   While holding the woman, Yamamoto demanded that the national broadcaster air his political statement and arrange a phone conversation with Prime Minister Junichiro Kozumi.

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commercial 1.39%
broadcaster 1.14%
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