1.   Among these voices, Tishrin announced, was the British historian David Irving.

2.   A thing, as British historian David Cannadine describes it, of ornaments, both human and material.

3.   British historian Moynahan, though, is rumored to have done it right, including the use of all sorts of unusual sources.

4.   British historian Anthony Nesbitt said the battle over beef has allowed a segment of British opinion to vent its longstanding suspicion of all things German.

5.   British historian David Irving had charged that American historian Deborah Lipstadt libeled him when she wrote that he is a Holocaust denier, an anti-Semite and a Hitler apologist.

6.   British historian Leslie Andrews says the governments of the time were surprised by the explosion of popular sentiment favoring war.

7.   Forthcoming volumes include the distinguished British military historian John Keegan writing on Winston Churchill and veteran civil-rights journalist Marshall Frady on Martin Luther King Jr.

8.   Hugh Trevor-Roper, the British historian, had read the material before The Times began to publish it, in English.

9.   James Joll, a British historian of modern Europe who interwove the history of politics and the history of ideas, died Tuesday at his home in London.

10.   Like British military historian John Keegan, McPherson holds that the Blue and the Gray were the first truly ideological armies of history.

a. + historian >>共 329
military 4.91%
architectural 3.70%
local 3.45%
british 3.27%
future 3.01%
american 2.76%
amateur 2.15%
social 1.89%
professional 1.81%
economic 1.81%
british + n. >>共 891
government 5.97%
official 2.97%
colony 2.58%
troop 2.21%
soldier 2.13%
beef 2.11%
rule 1.72%
company 1.56%
newspaper 1.26%
authority 1.21%
historian 0.12%
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