1.   A cold front will push south through the northern Plains on Sunday, bringing gusty winds, snow showers and temperatures more typical of late winter.

2.   A potent low pressure system cutting across the U.S- Canadian border will also bring gusty winds to the Northern Plains and western Great Lakes.

3.   Clockwise flow around high pressure areas brings brisk winds from the east, which regularly push the chilly maritime air out to sea.

4.   Clockwise flow around high-pressure areas brings winds from the east, which regularly push the chilly maritime air out to sea.

5.   Clockwise flow around highs brings brisk winds from the east, which temporarily push the maritime air out to sea.

6.   Clockwise flow around high pressure areas brings brisk winds from the east, which temporarily push the maritime air out to sea.

7.   Clockwise flow around high-pressure areas brings brisk winds from the east, which temporarily push the maritime air out to sea.

8.   Farther north, a fast-moving front will bring gusty winds and rain to the northern Oregon and Washington Coast.

9.   Locally intense and recurrent thunderstorms may bring damaging winds and flash flooding just east of the track of the strong low-pressure system.

10.   Low pressure strengthening near Nova Scotia will bring gusty winds to the Northeast.

v. + wind >>共 291
get 10.24%
damaging 4.80%
knock 4.24%
catch 3.28%
have 2.96%
take 2.96%
produce 2.32%
bring 2.32%
shift 2.00%
feel 1.92%
bring + n. >>共 1355
charge 3.21%
peace 2.08%
case 1.40%
people 1.25%
change 1.05%
end 1.00%
child 0.85%
suit 0.71%
rain 0.70%
food 0.67%
wind 0.09%
每页显示:    共 29