1.   But the political situation has not brought stability.

2.   In those days I brought about stability and made laws.

3.   Nicholson brought instant stability to the production and introduced some of the rigid controls he had learned from the Corman modusoperandi.

4.   And one of the things we set out to do was to bring some stability to the industry because everyone was trying to carve prices up.

5.   Blackwell said industry requests for a national oil policy to help bring stability to the industry have been ignored for years.

6.   Bordick brings stability to the left side of the infield.

7.   Billions of dollars in foreign aid are expected to start flowing into Afghanistan once the interim government is established and stability is brought to large swaths of the nation.

8.   Britain has put particular emphasis on the task of rebuilding Afghanistan and bringing stability to the country after the conflict.

9.   But former Oklahoma coach Gary Gibbs, hired in February to replace Kevin Ramsey, has brought some stability.

10.   But inertia brought a stability of sorts that has vanished.

v. + stability >>共 225
bring 9.84%
maintain 8.46%
threaten 7.98%
restore 7.65%
ensure 6.13%
provide 4.61%
promote 3.71%
achieve 2.57%
undermine 2.19%
have 1.90%
bring + n. >>共 1355
charge 3.21%
peace 2.08%
case 1.40%
people 1.25%
change 1.05%
end 1.00%
child 0.85%
suit 0.71%
rain 0.70%
food 0.67%
stability 0.63%
每页显示:    共 206