1.   Both therefore see special educational provision as having an essential role to play in bringing about changes in mainstream education.

2.   Cells thus provide the key to understanding development because their behaviour brings about embryonic development and is controlled by gene activity.

3.   If Brontosaurus was any taller, a fall could bring about severe head injuries.

4.   Is the ultimate unified theory so compelling that it brings about its own existence?

5.   Only a society in which people feel secure in their peer groups can bring about such mass action from below.

6.   Since smiling is an extremely powerful reinforcer, this visual interaction is important in bringing about the closeness of parent and child.

7.   Still more damning evidence could be brought about the long-term effect of punches to the head.

8.   The colonial revolution could not by its own forces bring about the downfall of imperialism.

v. + about >>共 655
ask 15.76%
say 7.26%
tell 6.83%
do 4.60%
lie 3.00%
read 2.81%
feel 2.81%
make 1.87%
warn 1.59%
have 1.40%
bring 0.97%
bring + p. >>共 73
with 18.52%
down 13.53%
along 12.48%
before 10.09%
about 8.02%
for 5.33%
in 5.03%
by 4.14%
as 3.64%
at 1.98%
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