1.   Executives will brief staff at meetings in London and Chatham on Wednesday and Friday next week.

2.   Implementing the change is relatively simple for personnel departments, if the staff is fully briefed on the change, he said.

3.   Reinsch said that his staff had been briefed by the company.

4.   Switchboard and casualty staff were briefed to answer queries during the weekend.

5.   Ann Brown, chairman of the Consumer Product Safety Commission, said Philip Morris briefed her staff about the new technology last week.

6.   Annan briefed U.N. staff on the changes Thursday.

7.   At team offices, staffs were briefed on the rules of the lockout - for example, no direct contact with players for the duration.

8.   Former Rep. Lee Hamilton, D-Ind., who once chaired the House committee, said Thursday he and his staff were briefed on the agreement four times.

9.   Meanwhile the authority briefed medical staff on Tuesday on the virus.

10.   Staff will be briefed this week on what they can expect from the new package.

v. + staff >>共 605
have 5.47%
cut 4.33%
reduce 4.04%
hire 3.76%
join 3.32%
train 2.43%
evacuate 2.18%
coach 2.15%
pitch 1.36%
add 1.33%
brief 0.35%
brief + n. >>共 203
reporter 19.07%
leader 5.34%
official 5.34%
member 4.48%
room 4.19%
president 4.10%
council 3.34%
journalist 2.48%
press 2.29%
minister 1.62%
staff 1.05%
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