1.   A very brief sketch of some of the relevant points follows.

2.   Although this is not the place to undertake a detailed introduction to the model, a brief sketch will none the less prove useful.

3.   Brief sketches of the two types of procedure May first be helpful.

4.   We will start therefore with a brief sketch of the business of trading electronic information across different market sectors, using a variety of underlying technologies.

5.   Before we proceed to an analysis of that culture, a brief sketch of the salient features of contemporary Britain is necessary.

6.   Although this is not the place to undertake a detailed introduction to the model, a brief sketch will nonetheless prove useful.

7.   Also on the site were similarly brief sketches of first lady Laura Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney and his wife, Lynne.

8.   His memoir includes a brief sketch of just about all the many trips he took and conferences he attended.

9.   Unfortunately, other stories -- including the title story and the four brief poetic sketches that divide the book -- are simply too elusive.

a. + sketch >>共 176
composite 18.03%
thumbnail 7.55%
rough 5.24%
biographical 4.61%
brief 3.14%
quick 2.94%
new 2.52%
preliminary 1.89%
little 1.47%
detailed 1.47%
brief + n. >>共 1295
statement 5.71%
visit 4.47%
period 2.96%
appearance 2.62%
moment 2.12%
meeting 1.97%
stint 1.52%
ceremony 1.50%
interview 1.50%
time 1.49%
sketch 0.15%
每页显示:    共 15