1.   By design of the Bush campaign, nothing newsworthy happens at these brief sightings.

2.   He has become so regularly absent from the courthouse that brief sightings of him are cause for comment.

3.   Mawn said that from one brief sighting of the suspect and shards of evidence gathered at bomb scenes, the FBI had developed a likely profile of him.

4.   There was a brief sighting of Rev. William P. Leahy, president of Boston College.

a. + sighting >>共 123
reported 13.48%
first 9.16%
recent 5.66%
last 5.12%
unconfirmed 5.12%
confirmed 4.31%
possible 2.70%
false 2.43%
alleged 1.89%
visual 1.89%
brief 1.08%
brief + n. >>共 1295
statement 5.71%
visit 4.47%
period 2.96%
appearance 2.62%
moment 2.12%
meeting 1.97%
stint 1.52%
ceremony 1.50%
interview 1.50%
time 1.49%
sighting 0.04%
每页显示:    共 4