1.   They had a brief fling a few years ago.

2.   After a brief fling in pro ball, Matthews returned home and embarked on a successful career in the oil business.

3.   But after a brief fling in the music world, Meeks was back during two-a-day practices, asking to be reinstated.

4.   Carling was soon back on home ground, his brief royal fling only a fading memory.

5.   Every state requires that both parents support their children, whether parenthood resulted from a brief fling or a decades-long relationship.

6.   First, there was a brief fling with a prostitute.

7.   Flynn is accused of conducting an adulterous affair with a married man as well as having a brief fling with a second airman and then lying about it.

8.   He got a taste of life without coaching when he worked in the beamyards of Bethlehem Steel for eight months after a brief fling with the pros.

9.   Her first mistake was to have a brief fling with an unmarried enlisted man who was not in her direct chain of command.

10.   Houston also had a brief fling with the cruise ship business.

a. + fling >>共 55
brief 16.19%
final 12.38%
last 11.43%
extramarital 3.81%
romantic 2.86%
desperate 1.90%
lesbian 1.90%
mere 1.90%
next 1.90%
sexual 1.90%
brief + n. >>共 1295
statement 5.71%
visit 4.47%
period 2.96%
appearance 2.62%
moment 2.12%
meeting 1.97%
stint 1.52%
ceremony 1.50%
interview 1.50%
time 1.49%
fling 0.17%
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