1.   Disturbance and high tides pose the greatest threats to the breeding birds.

2.   Generally the commonest small wader of the shore, very variable in size, northern breeding birds larger than southern ones.

3.   In Sussex they are much more important for their breeding birds than reservoirs as they generally have much more Marginal vegetation.

4.   Mute Swans are fairly widely distributed breeding birds in Sussex, but little up-to-date information about numbers is available.

5.   Now it is probably extinct as a breeding bird in Shetland, and its place has been taken by the reed bunting.

6.   Breeding birds include great artic skuas which dive at your head as you walk near their territories, rock doves, ringed plovers and red-throated divers.

7.   Breeding birds were counted at different distances from the corridor edge.

8.   No major changes in the local environment occurred during that time, so the scientists attribute the success to factors intrinsic to the breeding birds.

9.   The hard-to-master skill is needed to help conduct a breeding bird survey in the state this month.

10.   Breeding animals, notes Samate, is less complicated than breeding birds -- which is costly and yields uncertain results.

a. + bird >>共 825
migratory 4.69%
dead 3.84%
rare 3.23%
wild 3.09%
infected 2.49%
small 2.31%
exotic 2.20%
migrating 1.71%
big 1.56%
large 1.46%
breeding 0.36%
breeding + n. >>共 226
program 10.13%
season 7.13%
stock 5.29%
area 3.45%
pair 2.99%
farm 2.88%
technique 2.42%
colony 2.30%
programme 2.19%
population 1.73%
bird 1.15%
每页显示:    共 10