1.   After all, how was I going to deliver a breech baby?

2.   Doctors at Mass General generally refuse to deliver a breech baby vaginally because they consider it too risky.

3.   Instead of the head presenting first, as in a normal pregnancy, breech babies present their buttocks first.

4.   They were breech babies, born feet first.

5.   Researchers assigned half of them to undergo a C-section and the other half to give birth vaginally, with a doctor experienced in delivering breech babies by their side.

6.   The researchers even gave vaginal birth the best opportunity to look good by analyzing separately if it made a difference how expert the doctor was at delivering breech babies.

n. + baby >>共 124
crack 6.12%
full-term 6.12%
girl 3.67%
bonus 3.27%
day 3.27%
low-birthweight 2.86%
birth-weight 2.45%
boy 2.45%
breech 2.45%
birth 2.04%
breech + n. >>共 5
baby 40.00%
position 40.00%
block 6.67%
fetus 6.67%
pistol 6.67%
每页显示:    共 6