1.   Another time, he asked to see her scars after her from breast surgery.

2.   As the population ages, the market for implants after breast cancer surgery is expected to expand.

3.   Besides her breast reduction surgery, Ms. Walrond suffered complications in childbirth that experts said should have alerted doctors to potential breast-feeding problems.

4.   Bi-partisan efforts are underway in Congress to improve insurance coverage for women who undergo breast cancer surgery.

5.   Breast reduction surgery can be especially helpful for young women entering college.

6.   A few hours before breast cancer surgery, the surgeon injects a radioactive substance at four points around the tumor.

7.   A new procedure may allow surgeons to reduce the number of lymph nodes removed in breast cancer surgery, sparing women some pain and possible complications.

8.   A new book by San Francisco artist and documentary photographer Amelia Davis performs a public service in showing, with great kindness, these realities of breast cancer surgery.

9.   After chemotheraphy treatments, she underwent breast reconstruction surgery in early January.

10.   Breast enlargement surgery is, of course, the quickest way to achieve observable results.

n. + surgery >>共 360
knee 18.91%
heart 14.73%
shoulder 6.98%
bypass 6.94%
elbow 4.70%
brain 4.25%
cancer 4.10%
laser 2.31%
eye 2.29%
replacement 2.23%
breast 0.82%
breast + n. >>共 222
cancer 57.11%
implant 5.60%
milk 3.72%
research 1.82%
patient 1.70%
tissue 1.53%
tumor 1.45%
surgery 1.45%
survivor 1.45%
risk 1.16%
每页显示:    共 51