1.   Atari has yet to create a breakthrough title.

2.   But not one without its breakthrough titles.

3.   Their breakthrough title so far has eluded them.

4.   With Quake III Arena, the company hopes to create a breakthrough title that entices a whole new audience to get online and play.

5.   He won on the second playoff hole, and he says the victory meant more to him than his breakthrough title.

n. + title >>共 462
world 17.59%
division 9.12%
league 7.15%
heavyweight 6.01%
season 4.65%
year 3.40%
single 2.31%
tournament 2.31%
career 2.29%
conference 2.12%
breakthrough 0.10%
breakthrough + n. >>共 130
season 10.54%
agreement 9.42%
year 6.50%
victory 5.16%
performance 4.04%
drug 3.36%
game 3.14%
technology 2.91%
role 2.69%
accord 2.24%
title 1.12%
每页显示:    共 5