1.   A Safe Place On the day when there was a full chamber pot under the breakfast table I Decided to leave.

2.   Ample space for large breakfast table.

3.   As usual the Benn women were having an argument over the breakfast table.

4.   Dining chairs surrounded the breakfast bar table which was covered with the debris of a champagne breakfast.

5.   Do you like to lounge in bed on weekends reading the newspaper or would you rather have coffee at the breakfast table?

6.   I come to the breakfast table one morning, trying to shake the effects of a night of work.

7.   In the opening chapter, Ramona sits at the breakfast table thinking about the first day of school.

8.   It is all white, with maximum workspace and minimum cupboards, and has a built-in breakfast table and matching chairs.

9.   John had beaten me to the breakfast table.

10.   Many parents will admit that before the takeoff they read Jessica stories to their kids over the breakfast table.

n. + table >>共 525
kitchen 12.09%
picnic 6.89%
defense 6.20%
conference 5.75%
breakfast 3.28%
league 3.10%
card 2.77%
peace 2.35%
medal 1.71%
corner 1.68%
breakfast + n. >>共 210
cereal 12.46%
meeting 11.72%
table 11.51%
room 4.75%
buffet 4.33%
time 2.53%
food 2.22%
program 2.01%
nook 1.80%
speech 1.58%
每页显示:    共 108