1.   Breakfast burritos filled with huevos revueltos, or with beans, or with seasoned ground beef and cheese, are everyday takeout for workers in the fields.

2.   But the tradition continues, with some newcomers going all out, preparing everything from pancakes to ethnic favorites like breakfast burritos.

3.   Every August, they donate emu breakfast burritos for the Pleasanton cowboy celebration.

4.   From the people who brought you the McRib sandwich and the sausage breakfast burrito comes the century-old Cuban sandwich.

5.   Hearty omelets and breakfast burritos are served up with smokehouse bacon.

6.   Hot choices made to order include breakfast burritos, specialty pancakes and French toast and eggs.

7.   Includes recipe for a breakfast burrito.

8.   On the Fiesta Park midway, the staples are breakfast burritos and coffee.

9.   Parks missed a practice and a game last week with a stomach virus obtained after eating fast-food breakfast burritos.

10.   Swanson has introduced two new varieties of its breakfast burritos.

n. + burrito >>共 14
breakfast 36.36%
bean 21.21%
seven-layer 6.06%
turkey 6.06%
beef 3.03%
black-bean 3.03%
blueberry 3.03%
chile 3.03%
emu 3.03%
microwave 3.03%
breakfast + n. >>共 210
cereal 12.46%
meeting 11.72%
table 11.51%
room 4.75%
buffet 4.33%
time 2.53%
food 2.22%
program 2.01%
nook 1.80%
speech 1.58%
burrito 1.27%
每页显示:    共 12