1.   But he still pulls into the breakdown lane warily, rooftop flashers alight.

2.   I signal, pull over to the breakdown lane and stop.

3.   Just a few miles short of the East Entrance, they were oiling the breakdown lane of the Buffalo Bill Scenic Byway.

4.   On a highway whose chief aesthetic feature is its featurelessness, drivers seem to long for any signs of life beyond the breakdown lane.

5.   Now, the Reds are passing at full speed, while the Mets have pulled off into the breakdown lane.

6.   Such is life in the breakdown lane.

7.   The Mariners offense, a well-oiled machine for so many years, was sputtering in the breakdown lane before moving to its new home.

8.   There is a car in the breakdown lane.

9.   This is done by narrowing the lanes and rerouting traffic onto breakdown lanes.

10.   Truckers who pull their rigs off the road onto grassy shoulders or breakdown lanes simply trade one danger for another.

n. + lane >>共 145
sea 11.84%
memory 9.70%
victory 9.32%
country 8.06%
pit 8.06%
traffic 4.03%
bike 3.40%
bus 3.02%
center 2.64%
turn 1.51%
breakdown 1.51%
breakdown + n. >>共 25
product 28.57%
lane 21.43%
came 5.36%
figure 3.57%
insurance 3.57%
truck 3.57%
account 1.79%
by-division 1.79%
carbohydrate 1.79%
case 1.79%
每页显示:    共 12