1.   New technology allows companies to Decentralize, contract out and break up large factories which have unionized workforces.

2.   ...when you are both feeling a little easier about the break up of your relationship.

3.   The Schirmer and break up time test confirmed a decrease of tear secretion.

4.   Management of patients whose visits seem to be precipitated by depression, job loss, marriage break up, or other personal catastrophe may be much more complex.

5.   Where an imbalance develops, pressure for rearrangement of profit sharing grows and, if refused, the likelihood of a break up increases.

6.   Yesterday police used teargas to break up protestors blocking aid lorries near Zenesa.

7.   The Law Commission has recommended an end to quickie divorces and more effort to save marriages from break up.

8.   An enormous blue machine nicknamed Rock Crusher breaks up the slabs and the resulting riprap is then used to build temporary roads through the dump.

9.   Among them was the repeal or revision of several colonial-era laws giving him sweeping powers to crack down on political dissidents and break up demonstrations.

10.   Behind this public spat is a relationship at a crossroads that probably must either get more serious or break up.

n. + up >>共 912
end 3.95%
way 3.75%
give 2.91%
wind 2.20%
step 1.99%
wound 1.95%
pick 1.69%
drive 1.47%
speed 1.25%
head 1.20%
break 0.74%
break + p. >>共 66
in 23.14%
from 17.54%
for 14.17%
with 10.39%
of 5.20%
to 4.28%
on 4.22%
between 2.26%
up 1.95%
down 1.75%
每页显示:    共 99