1.   All their movie studios together could not break the hold of Hollywood.

2.   Madrazo, by contrast, presented himself as a rebel who would make sweeping changes to break the hold of the Mexico City political elite on the party.

3.   Republicans see this campaign as a chance to finally break the hold of a powerful Democratic troika.

4.   The preferable way to break that hold is by enlisting the active assistance of Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic.

5.   The wrestlers were placed in a standing clinch to start the period, and Gardner received a point when Karelin broke his hold before a full minute had elapsed.

6.   Then use some Ben-Gay rub to break the hold the gum has on the fabric.

7.   With increasing vigor, Western governments have tried to break the hold of politicians in power since before the war.

8.   But fearing a Russian offensive to break their hold on the city, many have begun leaving, according to Panchenkov.

9.   But some diplomats and tourism promoters argue that an influx of foreigners could help undermine the regime by breaking its hold on information about the outside world.

10.   He broke the hold on victories that Schumacher and Hill had in the previous five races with Schumacher winning three of them.

v. + hold >>共 179
take 49.75%
get 11.04%
grab 4.04%
consolidate 2.92%
keep 2.04%
strengthen 2.04%
have 1.96%
put 1.92%
catch 1.88%
maintain 1.79%
break 0.54%
break + n. >>共 537
law 7.95%
rule 4.12%
deadlock 3.95%
ground 3.59%
record 3.58%
window 3.38%
leg 3.01%
rank 2.55%
tie 2.40%
bone 2.17%
hold 0.09%
每页显示:    共 13