1.   Press down on both sides of the glass and it will break cleanly at the line.

2.   War Emblem broke cleanly from the gate and was followed by Proud Citizen and Perfect Drift.

3.   According to expert opinion, the panels broke cleanly without fragmentation, which should facilitate their repair.

4.   The colt broke cleanly out of the gate and Day moved him toward the rail.

v. + cleanly >>共 5
burn 40.00%
break 26.67%
emerge 13.33%
get 13.33%
take 6.67%
break + a. >>共 70
free 48.79%
loose 27.39%
open 7.36%
clear 2.07%
right 1.84%
a_couple 1.04%
due 0.58%
big 0.58%
on_the_ball 0.58%
available 0.46%
cleanly 0.46%
每页显示:    共 4