1.   I too am made tearful for those dear dead days beyond recall when bread tasted like bread and lawns were always newly mown and ladies smelled of candied violets.

2.   As a bonus, the bread will taste better, since a longer rise allows more flavor to develop.

3.   Bread should not taste pasty or bland.

4.   Wonder how whole chaff bread tastes.

5.   If your breads taste yeasty and damp, you have used too much yeast.

n. + taste >>共 341
panel 5.74%
food 5.44%
dish 2.50%
wine 2.35%
people 2.21%
water 1.91%
soup 1.91%
product 1.62%
coffee 1.47%
visitor 1.32%
bread 0.74%
bread + v. >>共 101
be 40.27%
slice 5.14%
have 4.05%
crumb 3.78%
make 1.89%
become 1.62%
rise 1.62%
come 1.62%
cool 1.35%
soak_up 1.35%
taste 1.35%
每页显示:    共 5