1.   People raising opposing voices and being branded traitors.

2.   And at the Olympics in Atlanta that summer, star pitcher Rolando Arrojo defected and was branded a traitor by Cuban leader Fidel Castro.

3.   But Kokalari says a climate of political vengeance still pervades the country and that he will suffer from it because he has been branded a traitor.

4.   If God is declared sovereign, both leaders might be able to save face and no longer have to fear being branded a traitor to their religion.

5.   Once-beloved singer branded traitor.

6.   The official media have been relentless in attacking outspoken opposition leaders, branding them traitors.

7.   Although branded a traitor by Sarajevo, Abdic has not been indicted by the international war crimes tribunal in The Hague.

8.   Some members have received threats and anonymous phone calls branding them traitors to their people.

v. + traitor >>共 23
turn 31.82%
brand 18.18%
call 4.55%
abet 2.27%
champion 2.27%
co-accuse 2.27%
consider 2.27%
denounce 2.27%
describe 2.27%
dub 2.27%
brand + n. >>共 241
cattle 2.87%
group 2.58%
traitor 2.29%
name 2.01%
terrorist 2.01%
government 1.43%
forehead 1.43%
opponent 1.43%
racist 1.43%
convention 1.15%
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