1.   Advertising is used to sell a product and create brand loyalty.

2.   But brand loyalty is harder to win in the information and entertainment businesses.

3.   Console users take gaming seriously, and their brand loyalty is frightening.

4.   Naturally, the advertising industry reckons the best way to shore up brand loyalty is to spend hugely on even more ads.

5.   The Marketer will try to encourage brand loyalty as a means of rendering the purchase process more comfortable and more satisfying.

6.   Although students probably grew up using Apples, they do not appear to have much brand loyalty.

7.   And in the Northeast, it seems that brand loyalty may still mean something.

8.   And non-Miller distributors who had helped build Celis brand loyalty and knew the retailers were dropped, they complained.

9.   Brand loyalty is a necessary component to brand domination, said Light.

10.   Brand names, brand loyalty.

n. + loyalty >>共 106
brand 23.15%
customer 21.76%
fan 5.32%
company 4.63%
employee 4.17%
consumer 3.47%
team 2.08%
viewer 1.62%
worker 1.39%
group 1.39%
brand + n. >>共 237
loyalty 11.00%
recognition 7.48%
image 7.37%
awareness 6.27%
identity 5.94%
manager 3.85%
equity 2.75%
product 2.20%
management 2.09%
extension 1.98%
每页显示:    共 99