1.   Do not prune into the branch collar, the knobby ring of cells that promote healing to wounds around the base.

2.   During the third and fourth years lower branches an inch or larger in diameter are removed at the branch collar.

3.   Prune branches by making a clean cut at the base of the branch, but leave the branch collar intact.

4.   Prune branches by making a cut at the base of the branch, but leave the branch collar intact.

n. + collar >>共 91
fur 16.07%
shirt 14.58%
radio 12.50%
velvet 4.17%
shock 2.68%
coat 2.68%
lace 2.38%
neck 2.38%
shawl 2.38%
wing 2.08%
branch 1.19%
branch + n. >>共 177
office 25.32%
manager 15.62%
network 8.58%
campus 3.52%
closing 3.35%
official 2.23%
line 2.15%
library 1.63%
employee 1.55%
banking 1.46%
collar 0.34%
每页显示:    共 4