1.   Although he had not yet been declared brain dead, he remained on life support.

2.   A body may be declared brain dead, yet must be still alive for its organs to be harvested.

3.   A friend had a car accident while drunk, a wreck that left him brain dead, and another friend with a drinking problem committed suicide.

4.   A young woman discussed euthanasia because her grandmother had been declared brain dead, so the family had her life-support system removed.

5.   After doctors pronounced her brain dead, her father consulted rabbis and agonized for hours at her bedside -- crying and holding her hand.

6.   After the donor was brain dead, his organs were kept pumping by artificial means.

7.   Doctors at the Lahey Medical Clinic pronounced Costin brain dead early Thursday, keeping him on a ventilator until Friday.

8.   He said vital organs, such as the heart, liver or lungs, can only be taken from patients declared brain dead when hooked to a ventilator.

9.   He was declared brain dead on Saturday morning.

10.   He was declared brain dead but recovered after his family prayed to Juan Diego for his recovery.

n. + dead >>共 187
people 26.16%
war 6.68%
two 5.89%
three 5.10%
brain 4.76%
man 3.51%
four 2.94%
soldier 2.49%
five 2.15%
civilian 1.59%
brain + n. >>共 367
tumor 10.47%
cell 10.44%
surgery 6.66%
injury 5.88%
cancer 4.51%
tissue 4.43%
disease 3.60%
hemorrhage 3.27%
activity 2.66%
function 2.43%
dead 1.06%
每页显示:    共 42