1.   The Assembly session was boycotted by ethnic Serbian deputies.

2.   However, the session was boycotted by Croatian, Slovenian and Macedonian deputies.

3.   Israel boycotted the sessions on refugees and regional economic development after the USA approved Palestinian plans to appoint exiles as representatives in their delegations to the two sessions.

4.   Angry House Democrats returned this afternoon to a committee hearing to consider a transportation spending bill after initially boycotting the session.

5.   It was the first time the German language had been heard from the podium, causing some members to boycott the session.

6.   Opposition legislators have taken a similar line, and they boycotted a session of Congress Thursday at which lawmakers discussed investigations into the bribery videotape and the proposed elections.

7.   The Ulster Unionists, the largest party in Northern Ireland, and its leader David Trimble boycotted the session.

8.   They were never acknowledged, and almost immediately sued Windom and boycotted subsequent sessions.

9.   Opposition parties consider Monsengwo too close to the Mobutu camp, and boycotted the session.

10.   And the court-appointed team also plans to boycott the sessions, which resume Saturday, so as not to go against the powerful Egyptian Lawyers Syndicate.

v. + session >>共 294
attend 13.67%
hold 10.06%
schedule 5.39%
plan 2.76%
close 2.36%
boycott 2.36%
call 2.23%
have 2.05%
open 2.00%
follow 1.96%
boycott + n. >>共 293
election 16.12%
vote 9.02%
meeting 6.46%
poll 5.72%
parliament 5.03%
talk 4.59%
conference 3.60%
product 3.29%
summit 2.64%
event 2.51%
session 2.30%
每页显示:    共 53