1.   This, however, needs patient cooperation, depends upon bowel frequency and for optimum results requires granulocyte purification which is time consuming.

2.   Bowel frequency was not significantly influenced.

3.   Each patient was provided with a diary card to record bowel frequency and episodes of incontinence and urgency over a one month period.

4.   Bowel frequency and frequency of incontinence and urgency were assessed by reviewing the diary cards.

5.   Bowel frequency, on the other hand, was only slightly modified.

n. + frequency >>共 104
flight 10.87%
stool 8.26%
television 3.91%
microwave 3.48%
carrier 3.48%
bowel 2.61%
allele 2.61%
vibration 2.17%
air 1.74%
citation 1.74%
bowel + n. >>共 100
disease 26.43%
syndrome 11.09%
obstruction 5.18%
symptom 3.70%
function 3.33%
preparation 3.33%
cancer 3.14%
problem 2.96%
patient 2.77%
surgery 2.59%
frequency 1.11%
每页显示:    共 6