1.   Please can you tell me when and how the Parish Council will be able to make its views known on any proposed boundary changes.

2.   The fire official said the new station was situated in Carryduff because of boundary changes in the area.

3.   Boundary changes, opposition to routes and a lack of cash have all held up progress, but the project is set to start in autumn.

4.   Over the years, the Northwest Territories have undergone some dramatic boundary changes.

5.   Particularly, where have people moved to affect boundary changes?

6.   Any national comparisons of all metro areas did not account for boundary changes.

7.   Bates also was an interpreter at Yalta and Potsdam, where the Allies planned for the division of Germany and other boundary changes.

8.   Mawhinney said he was forced to move by boundary changes which left two-thirds of his constituents in Peterborough.

9.   The Financial Times said the Sinn Fein leader had been helped by electoral boundary changes which had brought two predominantly pro-IRA housing projects into the West Belfast area.

n. + change >>共 1062
climate 8.09%
rule 6.48%
policy 6.11%
name 4.09%
management 3.45%
personnel 2.30%
tax 1.93%
lineup 1.68%
price 1.58%
rate 1.54%
boundary 0.17%
boundary + n. >>共 72
line 32.60%
dispute 9.40%
wall 7.21%
change 4.08%
fence 4.08%
commission 3.45%
area 2.82%
marker 2.82%
rope 2.51%
region 1.88%
每页显示:    共 13