1.   Most insist on between one and four bound copies being provided by the candidate being examined.

2.   Others require two bound copies, one each for the main university library and the departmental library.

3.   At Strathclyde, two bound copies are required, both of which are for deposit in the main library.

4.   The Matson Sentinel had died, too, just a few years before and the bound copies of its back numbers were also in the library.

5.   I should say that if there is no bound copy of the proposal.

6.   Bound copies of their most righteous speeches are available upon request.

7.   Mrs. Gore gave the president a specially bound copy of her book.

8.   Officials expect to release bound copies next month.

9.   When an underling shows him a bound copy that uses cheaper paper than he wanted, he flies into a rage and orders the whole lot destroyed.

a. + copy >>共 520
free 3.38%
pirated 3.00%
illegal 2.83%
backup 2.72%
good 2.23%
single 2.23%
digital 2.23%
original 1.91%
new 1.80%
exact 1.74%
bound 0.71%
bound + n. >>共 73
volume 12.84%
copy 8.78%
foot 5.41%
book 4.73%
antibody 4.05%
hand 4.05%
galley 2.70%
material 2.70%
captive 2.03%
man 2.03%
每页显示:    共 13