1.   After getting several responses, bounce the ball on the floor and observe how high it bounces.

2.   He was in the yard bouncing a ball against the wall.

3.   Henman bounced the ball a couple of times, measured the other side of the net, and launched his attack.

4.   The kids were bouncing a ball against the wall.

5.   Two players dashed in, one from either side, as I bounced the ball between them.

6.   I bounced a ball against the house.

7.   Whilst ladies bounce Medau balls, gentlemen engage in more vigorous work-outs in the multi-gym.

8.   Can you play basketball and bounce the ball?

9.   Chris, stop bouncing that ball.

10.   Alou bounced a ball toward third base, where Chipper Jones, like a matador, moved carefully toward the chopper.

v. + ball >>共 575
hit 6.62%
throw 5.88%
get 4.24%
catch 3.44%
play 3.10%
run 2.71%
have 2.16%
take 2.13%
move 2.05%
kick 1.85%
bounce 0.37%
bounce + n. >>共 160
ball 13.73%
check 6.08%
idea 5.49%
throw 4.90%
single 4.90%
way 4.31%
racket 4.12%
signal 3.33%
pitch 3.14%
basketball 2.55%
每页显示:    共 70