1.   Benny and Garry were bosom pals once again.

2.   It is an open secret that he and Reg Pybus are bosom pals.

3.   The first was affection of the kind that binds families together, or bosom pals.

4.   The two never were bosom pals, and sometimes Oakley, after a good game, shooed reporters from his locker.

n. + pal >>共 88
boyhood 8.46%
college 6.15%
childhood 3.85%
e-mail 3.08%
bosom 3.08%
pachyderm 3.08%
celebrity 2.31%
neighborhood 2.31%
phone 2.31%
cowboy 1.54%
bosom + n. >>共 7
buddy 44.00%
friend 24.00%
pal 16.00%
fringe 4.00%
lift 4.00%
top 4.00%
wave 4.00%
每页显示:    共 4