1.   There was less arguing after that, but the two actors never became bosom buddies and never worked together again.

2.   And instead of the venison medallions being surrounded by their traditional bosom buddies of leaden potatoes, this chunk of meat was accompanied by a piece of fruit.

3.   And right now New York Giants players are becoming bosom buddies with Ronnie Barnes.

4.   It seems that almost everyone running for office wants to come across as just plain folks who want nothing more than to be your bosom buddy.

5.   Judging from talk radio, Boone and Charles Manson are bosom buddies.

6.   Others view it as a bailout for executives who were bosom buddies with either this presidential administration or the previous one.

7.   Rijo and basketball are bosom buddies and Rijo said the sport is one of the reasons he is back pitching in the major leagues.

8.   She does, of course, come around, and they all become bosom buddies.

9.   Such problems are not new in the entertainment industry, where big companies routinely find themselves bosom buddies in one venture and blood rivals in another.

10.   The ugly scene between Clemens, his agents and Astros General Manager Gerry Hunsicker made Latrell Sprewell and P.J. Carlesimo look like bosom buddies in comparison.

n. + buddy >>共 97
college 14.65%
army 8.59%
bosom 5.56%
childhood 5.05%
war 4.04%
golf 3.03%
basketball 2.02%
farmer 2.02%
poker 2.02%
boyhood 1.52%
bosom + n. >>共 7
buddy 44.00%
friend 24.00%
pal 16.00%
fringe 4.00%
lift 4.00%
top 4.00%
wave 4.00%
每页显示:    共 11