1.   Machine parts were also being shuttled across the border without authorisation.

2.   And General Douglas MacArthur thought that he could push his troops right up to the Chinese border without triggering a Chinese intervention.

3.   At the beginning of this century, anyone could move money across borders without difficulty.

4.   Bean found out later that he had confessed to bringing ammunition across the border without a permit.

5.   But once inside the Schengen borders, travelers, in theory, may move freely across borders without passport and security checks.

6.   Even so, the United States pays far more attention to the Mexican border because so many more people try to cross that border without permission.

7.   Green has said that Mexico would file charges and seek the extradition of the Customs agents who operated across the border without permission.

8.   It would be impossible for an Iraqi helicopter to reach the Saudi border without violating the no-flight zone.

9.   Other detainees slipped across the Mexico or Canada border without going through border controls.

10.   State-ordered, premeditated killing across borders without judicial due process is morally wrong.

n. + without >>共 1605
life 1.69%
game 1.51%
year 1.28%
people 1.19%
day 1.07%
prison 1.07%
country 0.95%
month 0.82%
season 0.81%
time 0.75%
border 0.16%
border + p. >>共 85
with 37.28%
in 10.63%
of 9.78%
between 9.41%
to 5.59%
from 5.52%
into 5.51%
on 2.61%
for 2.27%
at 1.39%
without 0.59%
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