1.   Booster pumps in campus buildings struggled to maintain normal service to upper floors but water continued flowing, Bailey said.

2.   It consisted of a multilayer sandwich of plastic sheets and silicone rubber membranes and was intended as a booster pump to assist disease-weakened hearts.

3.   You will also need a booster pump and a bladder-type pressure tank to get the water from the storage tank into the house.

4.   Taps ran dry in many Colombo neighborhoods, as some water pumping stations could not operate their booster pumps.

n. + pump >>共 172
water 16.65%
gas 14.87%
fuel 9.66%
gasoline 6.22%
hand 2.89%
sump 2.89%
petrol 2.89%
fist 2.66%
bilge 2.22%
infusion 2.00%
booster 0.44%
booster + n. >>共 63
club 24.18%
nozzle 10.46%
group 4.58%
joint 4.58%
problem 3.92%
injection 2.61%
president 2.61%
pump 2.61%
station 2.61%
motor 1.96%
每页显示:    共 4