1.   As these break down, they will boost soil nutrients and slightly increase acidity.

2.   Because the soil is rich in organic matter, there is little need to fertilize, but I occasionally apply fish emulsion to boost nutrients.

3.   It takes leaves, especially large ones, quite a while to break down and, in turn, boost soil nutrients.

4.   Prepare the area before planting, removing any weeds and adding organic matter to improve texture and boost nutrients.

v. + nutrient >>共 95
provide 9.24%
absorb 7.56%
add 5.04%
get 5.04%
contain 4.20%
replenish 3.36%
release 3.36%
have 2.94%
carry 2.10%
return 2.10%
boost 1.68%
boost + n. >>共 476
profit 4.96%
price 4.56%
sale 4.52%
earnings 4.00%
economy 3.53%
demand 2.94%
export 2.93%
production 2.51%
growth 2.24%
confidence 2.15%
nutrient 0.03%
每页显示:    共 4