1.   Among other projects, he is working with leg bone cells from rats to fashion replacements for parts of the leg.

2.   And the mitochondrial DNA within bone cells is so well-protected that it can be used for genetic analysis for decades or even, possibly, centuries.

3.   At University of California, Los Angeles, she looked into the way bone cells regenerate.

4.   Bones are constantly being renovated, with cells called osteoclasts breaking down old bone cells, and new cells being built.

5.   Gortex, a chemical sibling of Teflon, provides an inert mesh of porous scaffolding on which replacement bone cells can be grown in desired patterns.

6.   He adds that the protein product of the phog gene is thought to regulate other genes in bone cells.

7.   Over time, microscopic particles of the polyethylene break lose and work their way between the rod attachment and the bone, damaging bone cells and weakening the implant.

8.   Some will become bone cells.

9.   Surgeons can sometimes shore up a wounded knee simply by perforating the damaged cartilage and letting the underlying bone cells generate a smooth, scablike sheath.

10.   The chromatophores had probably been overlooked before, because they resemble ordinary bone cells and are embedded in them.

n. + cell >>共 432
cancer 15.01%
brain 12.17%
jail 7.71%
prison 6.97%
tumor 3.43%
skin 3.37%
muscle 2.81%
police 1.83%
heart 1.45%
islet 1.39%
bone 0.47%
bone + n. >>共 218
spur 10.17%
chip 8.70%
loss 8.44%
density 8.12%
cancer 7.23%
fragment 5.69%
scan 4.09%
bruise 3.71%
disease 3.45%
fracture 3.39%
cell 1.02%
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