1.   Banks tracked bonds lower, reflecting the shrinking value of their large bond holdings.

2.   Canadian bonds finished slightly lower yesterday in contrast to rising debt markets in Europe and the U.S. as the dollar approached record lows.

3.   Concern about the U.S. budget negotiations had pushed stocks and bonds lower.

4.   Emerging market debt was mixed, with many Latin American fixed-rate bonds pulled lower by the U.S. bond market.

5.   Faster economic growth drives bonds lower by increasing the risk inflation will pick up speed and erode the value of interest and principal payments.

6.   FRENCH bonds fell, tracking German and U.S. bonds lower, as the franc declined amid concern that efforts to reduce public deficits may spark unrest.

7.   In the Kansas City Value Line, stock-index futures followed stocks and bonds lower.

8.   Municipal bonds tracked benchmark Treasury bonds lower amid concern that demand from tax-exempt mutual fund investors is dwindling.

9.   Municipal bonds price followed benchmark U.S. Treasury bonds lower as money from seasonal bond payments ebbed and investors found munis expensive relative to other fixed income investments.

10.   Other Brady bonds also tracked U.S. Treasury bonds lower, extending a Treasury-led decline on Friday.

n. + lower >>共 605
price 8.23%
company 5.33%
stock 4.54%
government 3.96%
analyst 3.27%
future 2.37%
bank 2.06%
yield 1.58%
share 1.21%
investor 1.21%
bond 1.05%
bond + v. >>共 504
be 14.78%
fall 14.07%
rise 13.98%
rally 2.13%
have 1.94%
get 1.92%
trade 1.76%
gain 1.60%
decline 1.47%
pare 1.41%
lower 0.32%
每页显示:    共 20