1.   Israeli officials have said that they were aware that the Palestinian officials were working to prevent suicide bombings aimed at Israeli soldiers and civilians.

2.   Officials coupled their appeals for restraint with denunciations of the suicide bombings by Palestinians aimed at Israelis.

3.   Hamas, the leading opponent to the Israel-PLO autonomy accord, has killed scores of Israelis in suicide bombings aimed at sabotaging the agreement.

4.   In the past several weeks, bombings aimed at Syrians in Lebanon killed one person and wounded seven.

5.   In official statements, the Palestinian Authority has denounced suicide bombings aimed at civilians inside Israel.

6.   The allied bombing aimed to weaken German morale and bring an end to European operations in World War II.

7.   The bombing was reported aimed at camps in Afghanistan where civilians from Tajikistan, a former Soviet republic that borders on Afghanistan, were sheltering.

8.   The bombing was reported aimed at camps where civilians from Tajikistan, a former Soviet republic that borders Afghanistan, were sheltering.

9.   The bombings aim to force Milosevic to accept a peace plan for Kosovo, a province in Serbia, the main republic in Yugoslavia.

10.   The bombings aim to force Milosevic to accept a peace plan for Kosovo, a province of Serbia, the main republic in Yugoslavia.

n. + aim >>共 860
talk 4.22%
company 3.97%
program 2.81%
project 2.42%
government 2.42%
plan 2.22%
measure 2.14%
law 1.61%
policy 1.47%
agreement 1.36%
bombing 0.36%
bombing + v. >>共 259
be 27.67%
begin 5.46%
continue 4.35%
occur 3.41%
come 2.82%
kill 2.53%
stop 2.41%
take 2.35%
have 1.88%
start 1.65%
aim 0.76%
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