1.   Eventually they would withdraw those investments, turn inward, lick their wounds, repair their factories, and bolster their stock.

2.   Along with the demise of health care overhaul, which was expected to squeeze industry profits, a flurry of mergers bolstered health care stocks.

3.   Blue-chip stocks were bolstered in part by a rally in the bond market.

4.   A drop in annual inflation reported by the government today failed to bolster stocks, Eckel said.

5.   A drop in interest rates in the bond market bolstered financial stocks.

6.   A decline in domestic interest rates over the last two days also helped bolster stocks, Palombo said.

7.   A rally in the bond market helped bolster stocks Monday.

8.   All of which has bolstered his stock as a consistent finisher.

9.   All the same, renewed optimism of an early cut in rates today failed to bolster stocks.

10.   But he is under pressure from shareholders who want quicker action to bolster the stock.

v. + stock >>共 471
buy 11.04%
sell 10.66%
mix 9.40%
change 3.19%
own 2.67%
take 2.25%
hurt 2.17%
trade 2.07%
send 1.87%
boost 1.69%
bolster 0.31%
bolster + n. >>共 577
confidence 3.58%
dollar 3.12%
economy 3.00%
case 3.00%
support 2.42%
price 2.39%
security 2.19%
profit 2.02%
argument 1.90%
claim 1.90%
stock 1.15%
每页显示:    共 40