1.   Hundreds more US and British troops arrived in Kuwait to bolster its defences Thursday.

2.   Analysts said judging from the candidates he fielded, Mahathir had clearly bolstered his defences against a possible challenge from Anwar.

3.   Britain said Monday it was seeking to bolster defence and trade cooperation with Gulf Arab states, which rank among the largest markets for arms and consumer products.

4.   The Zairean army followed up a rare victory over rebel troops, sending fresh soldiers Wednesday to bolster the defence of the diamond-rich centre of the country.

5.   Tigana bought Basile Boli from Glasgow Rangers to bolster a defence hit by injury to Emmanuel Petit but his message does not appear to be getting through.

6.   With Gary Pallister bolstering the defence and Keane giving bite in central midfield, United had their strongest-looking line-up.

7.   Izetbegovic denied the Serb accusations that his side was using the road to bolster its defences.

v. + defence >>共 159
have 5.56%
prepare 4.72%
strengthen 3.89%
provide 3.61%
begin 2.22%
breach 1.94%
organise 1.94%
bolster 1.94%
build 1.94%
enter 1.94%
bolster + n. >>共 577
confidence 3.58%
dollar 3.12%
economy 3.00%
case 3.00%
support 2.42%
price 2.39%
security 2.19%
profit 2.02%
argument 1.90%
claim 1.90%
defence 0.20%
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