1.   But he made no move to close the gap between them, as his deep blue gaze continued to caress her.

2.   Suddenly becoming aware of his blue gaze being levelled in her direction, she turned a smile into a cough, and promptly spilled coffee into the saucer.

3.   Hopefully her tour of the lodge would soon drive the mocking blue gaze of Matthew Blake from her mind.

4.   He spun her around, and she found herself locked in that steady blue gaze.

a. + gaze >>共 193
steady 5.85%
public 4.00%
watchful 3.69%
steely 3.38%
penetrating 2.46%
direct 1.85%
piercing 1.54%
fixed 1.54%
dark 1.54%
searching 1.54%
blue 1.23%
blue + n. >>共 1344
eye 7.88%
line 7.57%
sky 7.34%
suit 3.29%
shirt 2.54%
light 2.05%
uniform 1.65%
helmet 1.47%
blazer 1.40%
water 1.21%
gaze 0.05%
每页显示:    共 4