1.   Israeli and Palestinian leaders said they would not allow bloody riots Sunday on the border between Israel and the Gaza Strip to affect the ongoing Palestinian autonomy negotiations.

2.   The violence shown in previous seasons has included a bloody riot, a crucifixion, brandings, rapes, a naked man strung up with carvings in his chest.

3.   Police in Indonesia have arrested seven students whom they suspect of helping incite recent bloody riots in the Indonesian capital.

4.   Past festivities ended in bloody riots that claimed dozens of lives.

5.   A Roman Catholic priest who hid a fugitive radical leader after a bloody riot last July has been barred from leaving Indonesia, his lawyer said Friday.

6.   Among those deported were hundreds of Acehnese involved in a bloody riot with Malaysian police in detention camps in Semenyih, near the Malaysian capital Kuala Lumpur.

7.   Bloody riots erupted then.

8.   Bloody riots erupted that year when security forces stormed its Jakarta headquarters.

9.   Doubts have been raised as to whether genuine economic and political changes will take place, following bloody riots sparked by sharp increases in prices of basic commodities.

10.   Four months later, Suharto was ousted after three decades in power by bloody riots and anti-government protests fueled by economic hardship.

a. + riot >>共 359
palestinian 4.27%
armed 4.04%
recent 4.04%
full 3.74%
helmeted 3.62%
deadly 3.56%
anti-government 3.44%
violent 3.15%
street 2.37%
bloody 2.20%
bloody + n. >>共 831
coup 3.62%
glove 3.14%
clash 3.02%
conflict 2.99%
battle 2.96%
attack 2.93%
nose 2.84%
diarrhea 2.72%
war 2.32%
campaign 1.90%
riot 1.12%
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